Question Starter Grid…
To begin a scripture inquiry a starting point might be using the Question Starter Grid
Read the scripture first so the students have an idea about the story. Begin by asking simple questions about the text .... From all aspects or just one. Try from a historical view eg: What is the date this story was written in? (what month was it? ) When is the most action going to take place? Which setting is the most important? Who is in charge? Why is it set here? How will it unfold?
When children have a few questions on their grid set about asking them to find answers for them.
What is
When is
Which is
Who is
Why is
How is
What did
When did
Which did
Who did
Why did
How did
What can
When can
Which can
Who can
Why can
How can
What would
When would
Which would
Who would
Why would
How would
What might
When might
Which might
Who might
Why might
How might
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